
Nissan Partol 5. generácia (Y60; 1987–1998)
Nissan Partol 5. generácia (Y60; 1987–1998)

Nissan Patrol je vozidlo s pohonom 4x4 vyrábané japonským výrobcom Nissan od roku 1951. V Japonsku sa predáva pod označením Nissan Safari.


Prvá generácia (4W60, 4W70; 1951-1960)

Nissan Patrol


Druhá generácia(séria 60; 1960-1980)

Nissan Patrol


Tretia generácia (160, 1980–1985; 161, 1985–1987; 1990–1994)

Nissan Patrol


Štvrtá generácia (260; 1986–1994)

Nissan Patrol


Piata generácia (Y60; 1987–1998)

Nissan Patrol

(0 votes)
Created 19.11.2024
Size 109 MB
Downloads 4

Factory workshop manual / factory service manual for the Nissan Patrol Y60 series built between 1987 and 1997. Covers all vehicles with the following engine types: RD28DT (diesel) and TB42


Šiesta generácia (Y61; 1997–2010)

Nissan Patrol

(0 votes)
Created 19.11.2024
Size 38 MB
Downloads 8

Workshop manual for the Y61 GU series of the Nissan Patrol. Includes all aspects of servicing repair and maintenance.


Siedma generácia (Y62; 2010–)

Nissan Patrol